Online British Literature
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Lord of the Flies, 6-8
Listen to internet radio with British Literature on BlogTalkRadio
Some technical difficulties are in this blog talk radio...I apologize!If this doesn't work click HERE!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
Response of Hope
Dear Virginia,
do seagulls fly over the sea?
if they flew over the bay, they would be called bagels! Haha…
Get it? Are you smiling? I hope so, because I
love you. The fact that you’re smiling just proves that you have a reason to
live the beautiful life that God has given you.
You’re beautiful, do you know that? God has given you this wonder life and has made
you the strong person that you are today.
Don’t give up when you’ve already gone so far.
get you Virginia. I truly, truly
do. Life is so hard. I’ve been broken so many times and in so many
different situations. Sometimes, you
just want to end it. But Virginia, trust
me on this one, it’s not worth it. I
know you can do it Virginia, just fight through it. I believe in you. You may be thinking: why should I fight
through it? Well Virginia, because I love you. Your husband loves you. God loves you. I know this with all my heart. Terrible times only lead to better
times. Trials build you up and give you
think you’re a burden to people? Virginia, you have it wrong, you’re a
beautiful, wonderful girl. God has
created you for a purpose. Don’t be
afraid of other people feel toward you. “Have
I not commanded you? Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS; d not be discouraged, for the
Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” God’s always there for
you. Don’t feel guilty, because Jesus
has lifted up the burden of your sins.
He saved us. You’re a blessing
towards your husband and towards me.
okay if you’re sad. If you cry, I’ll cry
with you. I’m here for you. I love you Virginia. Anytime you need a friend, just come to me or
better yet, go to God. He will give you
peace, a peace that’s so rare to find.
Girl, you’re the bomb. I know you
can get through this tough time. I love
Love your friend,
Kara <3
Works Cited
Horton, Ronald A. "Virginia Woolf." Introduction. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press, 1992. 705. Print.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Joyce Recap
In my video, I wanted to create a video of me drawing illustrations of the story. After I filmed, I realized that I did not have enough time to do so, even though I tried to fast forward the time. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Short Stories by Kipling
"How the Camel got his Hump" by Rudyard Kipling is an excellent short story. This short story tells the story about a lazy camel. Because the camel refused to help the dog, horse, and ox, with work, he, consequently, ended up with a hump on his back. Kipling tells the life lesson about laziness and its negative consequences. In my opinion, the short story was very cute. It reminded me of short stories read when I was young about good morals and standards to go by. Kipling's way of teaching people about laziness is both unique and interesting.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
A Poem Inspired by Kipling
If you can
keep confident when everyone around you
Is criticizing
and analyzing all the hard work you’ve done,
If you can be strong when times get tough,
But gentle in times that it’s needed,
If you can be loyal when temptation around you,
Is coming from the one you love most
And attacking from every other direction around you,
If you can maintain patience when people are lost,
Or diligently wicked,
Or unthankful in any kind of way,
If you can cut the pathetic apathetic ways,
That has caused you to be distant from the one who loves you,
If you have the courage to stand up for something pure and just,
When all people reject it,
If you can be generous when people that see you,
Mock you and are unthankful,
If you are willing to stop and just listen to anyone at anytime,
If you can seek true humility,
If you can realize the wretched sins that you have done,
When you owe God your life,
If you are forgiving towards the wicked thing a person has done to you,
If you can truly love others – and look pass their flaws and
If you are willing to lose it all to be a servant – a SLAVE,
If you are able to let your life go and give it to the one person who
If you are able to do this and ten times more,
You will be a true leader.
Charles Dickens in London
I think I played this game 8 times. I know I died 3 times trying to collect dead bodies on that London river. Can I get partial bonus points?
Dickens' Stories
Have you ever read A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens? If not, check out this three sentence summary of the great novel below!
Both Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton fall in love with
Lucie, Dr. Mannette’s perfect daughter; however, Lucie chooses Charles, who
later turns out to be a French nobleman, and marries him. Charles secretly goes to France because of family
and political problems but is arrested and sentenced to death; however, Dr. Mannette
saves his beloved son-in-law from death in France and is arrested and doomed to
death himself. With disguises, trickery,
and smarts, Sydney Carton comes to the rescue and dies in place of Dr. Mannete.
Can't get enough of this awesome book?
Check out the summary by clicking here!
Check out the Book-a-Minute of the story!
Want to read the book?
Check out this online version by clicking here!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
When I Was One-and-Twenty
A.E. Housman
When I was one-and-twenty
I heard a wise man say,
'Give crowns and pounds and guineas
But not your heart away;
Give pearls away and rubies
But keep your fancy free.'
But I was one-and-twenty,
No use to talk to me.
When I was one-and twenty
I heard him say again,
'The heart of the bosom
Was never given in vain;
'Tis paid with sighs a plenty
And sold for endless rue.'
And I am two-and twenty,
And oh, 'tis true, 'tis true.
Works Cited
Housman, A.E. "When I Was One-and-Twenty." British Literature, for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 1992. 303. Print.
Friday, April 5, 2013
"God's Grandeur"
One example of alliteration in "God's Grandeur" is the italicized words in this sentence: "Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs..."
Works Cited
Horton, Ronald A. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 1992, 303. Print.
One example of alliteration in "God's Grandeur" is the italicized words in this sentence: "Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs..."
Works Cited
Horton, Ronald A. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 1992, 303. Print.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Answer to the White Queen's Riddle
The answer to the White Queen's Riddle: An oyster.
One of two "ironic, unexpected twists."
In the first paragraph Carroll writes about the sun shining with all his might on the sea, which was odd, because it was night time.
One of two "ironic, unexpected twists."
In the first paragraph Carroll writes about the sun shining with all his might on the sea, which was odd, because it was night time.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Love Similes
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee abundantly, as far as the highest mountains and as deep as deepest seas.
I love thee to the ends of the universe, in its infinite depth.
I love thee constantly, as the sun shines on the earth.
I love thee naturally, as a happy child smiling.
I love thee profusely, like any man that loves food.
I love thee with devotion, like an athlete in training.
I love thee undoubtedly, like a stubborn man who's made up his mind.
I love thee with a passion I cannot lose and that cannot
compete with any human love on earth.
And if God allows, I will love thee forever and always.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
"Crossing the Bar"
Works Cited
Tennyson, Alfred. "Crossing the Bar." British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones UP, 1992. N. page. Print.Wednesday, March 13, 2013
brave bright brilliant courageous daring dauntless defiance dramatic eye-catching fearless heroic historic inspirational revolutionary victorious
created at TagCrowd.com
Who is Kapiolani?
Kapiolani was a Queen of the Hawaiian Islands who is famous for defying the
goddess Pele in the name of Christianity. Alfred Tennyson wrote
about this bold story in his poem "Kapiolani." The words in my
TagCrowd above describe the heroic, vivid story that Tennyson displays in his
poem. Tennyson describes the scene with bright, dramatic color from the
fire goddess Pele. Because of Kapiolani's dauntless actions against Pele,
she can be seen as a heroic figure for Christianity.
Works Cited
Tennyson, Alfred. "Kapiolani." Poetry Cat. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.
Works Cited
Tennyson, Alfred. "Kapiolani." Poetry Cat. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Newman Survey
What is this survey about?
This survey is about education! John Henry Newman was an Anglican in Britain famous for writing The Tamworth Reading Room in 1841. Newman believed that "Christianity, and nothing short of it, must be made the element and principle of all education." What do you think? You can respond to this question by taking my survey seen below!Click this to take my Newman Survey!
What did other people think?
A wide variety of responses are seen in this survey. For example, a few agreed that education should be the element of principle of all education. However, others believed that preparing the students for life was the main focus in education. Want to know more about what others thought? You can checkout other people's responses by clicking the link below!
Click this to checkout the responses for my survey!
Works Cited
Horton, Ronald A. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press, 1992. Print.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Friday, March 1, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Keats' Song
I stare
at the blue glass sparkling,
breathe in the sweet clear air.
I know no
beauty can ever compare.
The hall
of dark green history,
with colossal a mountain view,
Leads me
to a new natural point of view.
My mind
begins wander,
And my
heart begins to care,
About the
sight in front of me, that God gave to share.
moment that I hear the sweet bird’s melody,
me to understand,
The glory
made by God’s perfect hands.
Harrys. "The Door in the Air." 2008. CD.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Percy Bysshe Shelley
My drag on tape contains the poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelly and "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay. The first tape sets the setting and vibe of the actual poem with it's pictures and presentation. However, "Viva la Vida" is a song that describes the fall of a leader, although it's probably talking about the French revolution.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Byron Poem
I hear
the sound of waves on the shore,
And soaks
up the everlasting heat,
nothing more that I could wish for,
the sand buries my feet.
bring joy, like playful birds,
and dancing in the breeze.
smiles are like words,
put me at ease.
The stars
glisten in the cloudless sky,
we lie here in the cold, dry sand around the fire,
reminisce about the time that went by,
relax under the beauty of the night that we admire.
The love,
the pure bliss, the cheer,
memories can never be replaced.
The fear
that the end is coming near,
Puts all
the time we have to no waste.
does the poem use imagination and feeling over reason?
Monday, January 28, 2013
The Uncommon Appears Believable
Wake up, it’s your first day of school and you don’t want to be late!” my mom
yelled as I rolled lazily out of bed. I stretched and put on my lucky
necklace that my brother gave me.
grumbled as I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth angrily. Today
was my first day of school at Jackson high as a junior. I wasn’t very
excited, the kids at my old high school, Story Brooke high, didn’t like me very
much. I mean, it’s not like I was bullied or anything, I just didn’t have
any friends. I mean it wasn’t anyone’s fault. My parents moved around a
lot, and I was constantly changing schools. I never got to get close to
anyone before moving away to another school.
DONE SOPHIA!?!?!?!?” my twin brother Aiden screamed through the bathroom door.
out Aiden, I’m done. Why are you so impatient!?” I replied grumpily as I
walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen for breakfast. I ate some
of my mom’s delicious pancakes and got my stuff ready for school.
mom, me and Aiden are heading out for school, have a good day! Love you!” I
hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Love you
too, drive safe okay?” my mother sternly told Aiden as we walked out the
door. Aiden got into the driver’s seat and we drove to school.
“Do you
think that this time will be different?” I asked Aiden nervously, bighting my
purple colored nails nervously.
the one who was telling me to chill out Soph. Relax, I’m sure it’ll be
different this time. You’ll meet lots of new friends.”
for you to say Aiden, you’re all athletic and charismatic. I’m not
exactly a social butterfly like you Aiden.”
worry sis, I got your back. I’m sure you’ll make friends, after all, you
are my sister.” Aiden replied back sarcastically with his broad smile in the
“Shut up!
But, thanks, I feel a little better now.”
minutes later we arrived at school. The school was smaller than most high
schools I’ve been to, but cute and relaxed. My brother pulled up into a
parking stall and we got out.
“Let’s go
to the office.” Aiden said and looked at me and smiled. “Don’t worry Soph, it’s
a new day. Just be happy.” Aiden told me, obviously seeing the panic in
my eyes as a pack of students brushed passed me.
“Okay.” I
replied nervously walking toward the office.
morning. I’m Aiden Johnson and this is my sister Sophia, we’re here for our
schedules.” Aiden said to the lady at the front desk, obviously charming her
with his perfect manners.
“Oh, I’ve
heard about you too! You’re Lillian’s children huh? Welcome to Jackson high! We
don’t get many new students here often. Here’s your schedule and a map of
the school. If you need any help, just ask around.”
miss, we’ll be on our way now. Have a good day!” Aiden said as we walked
out the door. “So…it looks like we don’t have any classes together Soph…but I’m
sure I can go back in and chan…”
okay Aiden, don’t worry about it. I can’t depend on you for forever, I’m
sure I can find my way around. Have a good day!” I quickly said as I grabbed my
schedule and map of the school and scurried away before he could say
anything. However, I couldn’t understand the map at ALL. Suddenly,
I bumped into someone and fell down, flat on my butt.
I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to run into you! I was looking for my next class
don’t worry about it! Wait…you’re new right?. Do you need some help
finding your class?” I looked up at the tall, brown haired girl and grabbed her
hand as she helped me get up.
thanks! I’m Sophia by the way. What’s your name?”
“I’m Mia,
nice to meet you. What’s your first class?
“Ummm, AP
World with Mr. Smith.”
I’m in that class too! Great, we can walk together.” Mia responded with a smile
that looked genuine.
We walked to history together and chatted along the way. Mia was so nice,
I’ve never had a friend like her before, I mean, besides my brother if that
even counts. She explained to me all the information about the school and
even walked me to my next two periods because we had the same class, until
third period trig, where we had to part.
“Hey, I’ll meet you at lunch okay? I’ll save a spot for you!”
“Thanks Mia! See you later!”
periods later, I walked to the cafeteria and spotted Mia and sat down with
her. I was introduced to all of her friends, Matt, Olivia, Connor,
Lindsay, Laura, and some other people that I didn’t remember. Suddenly,
someone jumped behind me and startled me. I turned around, only to see
Aiden, of course.
seriously, you know I hate when you do that!” I said, trying to hide the
laughter I held back.
Soph, I just love doing that to you.”
you guys know each other?” Mia asked, with a confused face.
“Oh yeah,
Soph’s my sister.” Aiden replied squeezing his face into mine.
Get your oily face off of me!” I squealed as he let go of me.
We all
ate and laughed. For the first time in a long while, I had friends.
As the day passed on me and Aiden headed out to the car to go home.
Aiden by Sophia!!! See you tomorrow!” Mia and her group of friends yelled as we
got into our car.
“See, I
told you that it was gonna be a good day.” Aiden told me as we drove home from
you’re right. Thanks Aiden. Today was fun.” I smiled at him.
On the
ride home, I thought about the day. I looked at my brother and
smiled. Who knew that he would be so right about this new school? I
grabbed my necklace that he gave me and closed my eyes, thinking of all the new
possibilities that could happen.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Cowper and the Mental Illness
You may
not be able to see my Storify completely so...
What are panic disorders?
Panic disorders is when a person is a condition in which
a person experiences fear and anxiety in their daily lives. Symptoms
include heart rate increase and sweating.
What makes it a disorder?
Panic disorders cause a person to panic without a cause
or warning. It causes a fear that can be drastic and threatening to a
person's life.
What can you do to treat this disorder?
Many people take antidepressant medicines that help
calm the nerves. However, cognitive-behavioral therapy is common and
helps a person to overcome their fears. By eating right, staying fit, and
sleeping well, the disorder can become more weak.
Works Cited
Katz, Marina. "Panic Attacks and Panic
Disorder." WebMD. N.p., 2012. Web. 16 Jan. 2013.
Rogge, Timothy, and Davod Zieve. "Panic
Disorder." PubMed Health. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 25 Mar. 2012.
Web. 16 Jan. 2013.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Modeling Burns
A Red,
Red Rose
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And fare thee well, my only Luve
O, my
love is like a red, red, tulip.
bright and happy in my sight:
O, my
love is like a song,
through my mind every night.
My love
is beautiful,
think about it all the time,
And I
will love it forever,
hope that it’s always mine.
I will
keep it deep in my heart,
it can no longer stay,
And I
will cherish it forever,
be happy in every way.
But for
now my love,
I have to
let go of you,
But, I’ll
come back when I can,
Because I love you.
O my luve is like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June;
O, my luve is like the melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I:
And I will luve thee still, my
Till a' the seas gang dry:
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run.
And fare thee well, my only Luve
And fare thee well, a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand
Works Cited
Horton, Ronald A. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press, 1992. Print
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Because the program could only hold so much words, I had to do to different presentations.
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made on Wondersay - Animate text with style
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made on Wondersay - Animate text with style
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Praise Song
My praise song is called "Glorious Name." Here are
the lyrics:
God hear my prayer as I sing your name,
My life is yours to claim,
I give myself to you, oh Lord,
Because you love me so much more,
Now therefore, My God, I Thank You,
And praise your Glorious Name
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Thursday, December 13, 2012
First Semester Reflection
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I also learned a lot about the writings of early British history! I learned that the true meaning of them is in a lot of the author's personal stories. A lot of those things are easily relatable to modern things!
Monday, December 10, 2012
I Refuse by Josh Wilson
In my opinion, this hymn is very inspiring to apathetic Christians like myself. In just the first few lines, the song describes my Christian life.
"Sometimes I, I just want to to close my eyes, and act like everyone's alright, when I know they're not. This world needs God, but it's easier to stand and watch, I could say a prayer and just move on, like nothing's wrong."
This song inspires me to encourage my friends and I to go out and do stuff for God. I think many of the people at Hanalani do not feel the need to share the Gospel. However, this song continually challenges me to grow in my relationship with God.
"But, I refuse. 'Cause I don't want to live like I don't care, I don't want to say another empty prayer, Oh I refuse, to sit around and wait for someone else, to do what God has told me to do myself, oh I could choose, not to move but I refuse."
In my opinion, this hymn is very inspiring to apathetic Christians like myself. In just the first few lines, the song describes my Christian life.
"Sometimes I, I just want to to close my eyes, and act like everyone's alright, when I know they're not. This world needs God, but it's easier to stand and watch, I could say a prayer and just move on, like nothing's wrong."
This song inspires me to encourage my friends and I to go out and do stuff for God. I think many of the people at Hanalani do not feel the need to share the Gospel. However, this song continually challenges me to grow in my relationship with God.
"But, I refuse. 'Cause I don't want to live like I don't care, I don't want to say another empty prayer, Oh I refuse, to sit around and wait for someone else, to do what God has told me to do myself, oh I could choose, not to move but I refuse."
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
A Modest Proposal
This was the most questionable readings that I have ever read. At first, I thought I was reading the wrong thing because it was so weird and different! Why did I think this? The title is called "A Modest Proposal." What is modest about selling children to eat?!? That is just disgusting. I think Swift's writing made me think how thankful I should be about my life. I have it SO good! I'm not ever sold to people for food! In addition, this writing also made me question what I eat everyday. It literally made me scared to eat Mcdonald's or any other junk food. This writing was awfully disgusting and ugly. However, it teaches others to be thankful for what you have! I don't think anyone in our state would allow newborn children to be fed to others because of the hard economic times that are happening today. Swift successfully challenges a family to be more loving and respectful.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Dryden's Satire
According to the first paragraph of "Of Satire," what is the purpose of satire? What does Dryden say in the second paragraph is the type of satire he admires most, and to what does he attribute one's ability to use this type of satire successfully? What words does he use to show his disapproval of harsher forms of satire?
Monday, November 26, 2012
A One Day Diary
November 26, 2012
Up very early, at two o’clock in the morning, I crawled out
of the comforts of my bed from a dream that I did not seem to remember. After stretching, I fell fast asleep in the
comforts of my bed until later woken up by my mother, who claimed that my
carpool to school was terribly sick and I needed to drive myself. After brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, changing
into my uniform and saying goodbye to my mother, I went back to the comforts of
my warm bed for just five minutes. At
6:45 I walked down the stairs and said good morning to my grandparents. At 6:50 I packed up my things and drove to
school in the green Camry. I thought to
myself, “I wish it was Sunday again, so I could sleep in and get more rest.” I arrived at school at 7:15 and sat in my
usual spot conversing with my friends about the academic schedule ahead. The bell rang, and I quickly went to homeroom
to start another long day of school. In
homeroom, Miss Miller asked the class what we all did during our long holiday
weekend. Many answered the usual shopping,
beach, or eating. Kayla Kawamura
answered “I went to a homeless shelter and helped out.” I thought to myself, what a very unselfish
thing to do during the long holiday weekend.
The bell rang and I said bye to my homeroom friends, leaving to
robotics. During robotics, I worked my
project with Jared Shimabukuro. Although
we did not get very far on the project, I was content with our progress of the
day. The bell then rang for second
period, my study hall with Lindsey Ogata, Faith Lopez, and Kellie Kitaoka. Kellie and I worked on the rather challenging
physics homework, while Lindsey and Faith did otherwise. After doing half of the physics homework, Kellie,
Ryan Arquines, and I dropped off our books and headed for third period AP
European History. During the short break
right before history, we discussed our grades with the other people in our
class like Kai Saruwatari and Kyle Harrison.
Then, Miss Stoker called the class to order. She then read a short part of Amazing Grace
by Eric Metaxas, which was rather gory and depressing, then moved on to further
teaching about childhood rearing during the eighteenth century. We then broke up into groups and discussed a
question Miss Stoker gave us about witchcraft.
Class was dismissed and I talked to Zach Cowan and Kellie Kitaoka on my
way out to leadership. When I arrived to
leadership, I sat by Chris Thomas and Colby Schoniwitz. I opened my laptop, and before class started,
looked at my English assignment and discussed it with Colby. Class started and we talked about the
upcoming Christmas events that we were planning as a student senate. I started to get slightly bored, and I could
tell that Chris and Colby were as well, and I started to play a game of
hangman. After class was dismissed, I
headed to homeroom with Kayla Kunisaki and Colby to get ready for College
Prep. We then headed to the Freemont to
go to a college meeting with UH West Oahu.
The speaker, a short-filipino man, did not convince me to go to the
college at all as I sat by Jesse Tory and Sabrina Stratton. He excused us late, which got me a little
sad, and I headed to get my lunch with Gabby Shen. After this, I went to Mr. Fort’s room to
discuss the hard Physics homework that I could not complete during break. The bell ran to signal lunch ending and I
headed to Analytic Trigonometry with Miss Miller. There, we went over a new lesson about how to
algebraically find vectors with several equations. I finished the homework within the class
period and talked to several of my classmates including, Kai, Kellie, Johnathan
Brady, Zach, Noah, and Ryan. I also
helped some of my classmates with the seemingly difficult math homework. The bell rang for eighth period and I headed
to Mr. Fort’s physics class. During the
class, Mr. Fort lectured Kai, Clay Asato, and I about talking when he was
lecturing and I did not talk after that.
I understood the work, and when the bell rang, thanked Mr. Fort and
waited outside of the atrium for Gabby and Jesse. I realized what a chilly day it was, and I
finally felt the true feel of Christmas coming into town. Gabby and Jesse were late, but we still
walked rather slowly to class, enjoying the company of each other. Jesse
and I then arrived to our last period, Digital Storytelling with Mr. Robinson,
and waved Gabby goodbye. In class, we
watched an interesting music video that included fast forwarding and rewinding
the clip. After this, I downloaded the
videos from our camera onto the Mac while Mr. Robinson watched stop motion
videos next to me, which was rather distracting. The class was then dismissed and I headed to
homeroom with Jesse and Gabby. After
gathering our books, Kayla and I went off to concert band with Mr. S. After concert band, which was rather boring,
Kayla and I walked up to the Lanai area where Jordan Ebisu, Logan Oyama, Niko
Milon, Rafael Wilding, Colby, Jesse, and Gabby were. We talked and had a fun time until 4:00, when
Logan and I headed down to the SAC for basketball. I then walked into Mr. Habegger and Mr.
Delizo’s room to change my shoes when Colby showed me the picture of his car
parked to my car VERY close, and I mean very. I didn’t
care at the moment, but I would soon come to realize I could not reverse out of
my parking stall. However, practice
started and we did a few drills and practiced our fast-break transitions. After practice, I got ready to go home and
headed to my car saying by to the boys and girls on the basketball teams. Then, I realized how close Colby’s car was to
mine and yelled at him to move it. After
this, I headed home around 6:15 and finally GOT home at 6:45. I was replenished by seeing my cute husky dog
at the door and my Christmas tree all lit up in the background. I then ate
dinner, cleaned my belongings and showered.
After this, I watched the voice and voted for Cassadee Pope. My mom then bugged me to do my homework, so I
wrote my diary of the day for English while eating my Grandmas freshly baked
banana muffins. I’m happy that this week
will end shortly for me, because I am going to Maui with my basketball team. I can’t wait to sleep and get ready for the
new day God will give me.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Milton Slidebomb
Check Out my Slidebomb!
Works Cited
Horton, Ronald A. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 1992. 303. Print.
BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2012.
Works Cited
Horton, Ronald A. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 1992. 303. Print.
BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2012.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
"On My First Son" by Ben Jonson
Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy; [The name of Jonson's son is found within this line. "Child of my right hand" literally means Benjamin.]
My sin was too much hope of thee, loved boy. [He hoped so much in his son, that he put him above God in importance.]
Seven years thou were lent to me, and I thee pay, [Benjamin's son was seven years of age when he died.]
Exacted by thy fate, on the just day. [Jonson realizes that life is precious.]
O, could I lose all father now! For why [Jonson loses his sense of being a father.]
Will man lament the state he should envy? [Jonson feels conflicted. Although his son gets to be in heaven, he is sad because he has "lost" his beloved son.]
To have so soon 'scaped world's and flesh's rage,
And, if no other misery, yet age? [I think that Jonson is sad that his son has died in such a young state. Jonson describes that his son has escaped the wicked world and has left his father in it alone.]
Rest in soft peace, and asked, say, "Here doth lie
Ben Jonson his best piece of poetry, [This describes how much Jonson loved his son.]
For whose sake, henceforth, all his vows be such
As what he loves may never like too much. [Jonson kind of gets "emo." This line seems to say that he wishes that he may never like anything so much so he doesn't get so hurt.]
Ben Jonson's "On My First Son" is a wonderful epigram that is deep and depressing. Because Jonson focused on artistry and decorum in writing poems, "On My First Son" vividly describes Jonson's feelings toward his lost son. Not only is this poem depressing, but it is personal and meaningful. Jonson reveals the "depressing" side of "YOLO" that people have a hard time dealing with. Jonson also describes his confusion in how he should feel despite his sons journey to heaven.
This poem caught my attention because of its meaningful story. Jonson tells a sad story in just twelve lines. Characteristics of "On My First Son" can be seen in many movies, TV shows, books, and music. For example, "Tears in Heaven" by Eric Clapton describes the loss of a newborn son.Lyrics:
"Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?
I'll find my way through night and day
'Cause I know I just can't stay here in heaven."
In addition, the movie "UP" by Pixar captures a sad love story about an elderly man losing the love of his life in ten minutes. The poem "On My First Son" depicts the grief of a father in a vivid way that captures the reader's attention.
Works Cited
Horton, Ronald A. British Literature for Christian Schools. Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 1992. 303. Print.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Of Studies
feel that this quote from Sir Francis Bacon's Of Studies depicts a very accurate picture of
how people study in current times. For example, many people in today's
time do work in order to reap "worldly" benefits. Instead doing
school work comprehensively, I sometimes find myself studying in order to only
maintain good grades. In addition, I often take for granted any reading
that I do. Like reading devotions, I often read without comprehension
just to say that I have read my Bible. However, instead, I should think
about what God's work has to say for me. I often assume that I will learn
what I should have read in my devotions in chapel or school. This quote
from Bacon is very relatable and true.
It actually describes many of my apathetic and spoiled characteristics
in taking education for granted.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Shakespeare's Works
Works Cited
"Shakespeare's Plays, Listed by Genre." Open Source Shakespeare. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. <http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/plays.php>.
"Shakespeare's Plays, Listed by Genre." Open Source Shakespeare. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2012. <http://www.opensourceshakespeare.org/views/plays/plays.php>.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sonnet 79
Sonnet 79
All pictures are taken by me. By looking at the beauty of God's creation, we need to realize that God is the only perfect beauty. In my collage, I illustrated the some of the beautiful things in my life. Although many of the things in life are pretty, it will all die and fade. God is the only everlasting beauty.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Wyatt's Farewell, Love, and All Thy Laws Forever
Artist: Joanna Beasley
Song: Mighty to Save (Instrumental With Background Vocals)
Album: Joanna Beasley Karaoke: Patiently Waiting
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
What is a ballad?
A type of poetry that tells a story or series of events with a rhythmic format.
A type of poetry that tells a story or series of events with a rhythmic format.
The Break of Day
The sun quickly creeps out,
The cold air dwindles,
It's time to wake up,
Though your sure sleep was swindled.
Sweet dream have gone elsewhere,
Comfort has gone astray,
You slowly get up to stretch,
To get ready for the new day.
Breakfast is in the making,
Sizzling it's way to a perfect crisp,
Your appetite continues it's growing,
Until your stomach gets a lovely gift.
You brush your stinky teeth,
And change out of your sleep-clothes,
Make yourself presentable,
And hope the day swiftly flows.
After the long day has gone by,
And you obtain your night's sleep,
It's time for the break of day,
To, once again, disturb your precious deep, sleep.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
1.Church brings “...people of different classes and psychology together in the kind of unity the Enemy desires.” Why is this such a problem for Screwtape?
Screwtape does not like when people of different classes and psychology come together in unity because, it branches out to different people. If the church was consisted of one type of people, it might be a possibility for them to be a critic to others. People commonly reject others if they are different than the people in their clique.
2. “...all I want....” What are your reactions to this sin?
“All I want” is a very selfish statement. When I perform this sin, I usually think evil thoughts. For example, I think about what is convenient to my wants rather than thinking about what is convenient for other people in their desires. I start to feel a sense of pity for myself when I don’t get my way.
3. “...she never recognises as gluttony her determination to get what she wants, however troublesome it may be to others.” Give some examples of this quote.
1. When I ask my mom if I can go out, I forget how she is over-loaded with work from school!
2. When we litter at school, we don’t recognize it, but it makes it a lot harder for staff at school.
3. When I don’t show up for things I say I was going to show up for because I’d rather sleep in.
4. When I forget something very important for my family or friends because I don’t really care.
5. When people don’t log out of their computers at school because they are in a rush to leave.
Screwtape does not like when people of different classes and psychology come together in unity because, it branches out to different people. If the church was consisted of one type of people, it might be a possibility for them to be a critic to others. People commonly reject others if they are different than the people in their clique.
2. “...all I want....” What are your reactions to this sin?
“All I want” is a very selfish statement. When I perform this sin, I usually think evil thoughts. For example, I think about what is convenient to my wants rather than thinking about what is convenient for other people in their desires. I start to feel a sense of pity for myself when I don’t get my way.
3. “...she never recognises as gluttony her determination to get what she wants, however troublesome it may be to others.” Give some examples of this quote.
1. When I ask my mom if I can go out, I forget how she is over-loaded with work from school!
2. When we litter at school, we don’t recognize it, but it makes it a lot harder for staff at school.
3. When I don’t show up for things I say I was going to show up for because I’d rather sleep in.
4. When I forget something very important for my family or friends because I don’t really care.
5. When people don’t log out of their computers at school because they are in a rush to leave.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Chapters IX-XI Questions
1.Why do our “trough periods” make us so vulnerable (43)? Is this applicable to you?
“Trough periods” are times in which we experience adversity or difficulty in our daily lives. During these times, we often portray strong emotions in negative ways. For example, when people feel sad during adversity, they commonly blame God for the bad things happening in life. By being desperate for happiness and peace in our lives, we often fall into the temptations of the world. For instance, many people in the world turn to drinking and drugs during hard times. We often look to find peace and happiness in worldly or temporal things instead of spiritual or eternal things. When I am going through hard times in my life, I often feel hatred toward other people or things. Because of this, I become vulnerable to sins like gossip. Because I feel guilty for myself, I act selfishly by blaming others for my mistakes.
2.What beautiful truth about pleasure does Screwtape share? Make a list of pleasure? The beautiful truth about pleasure is that God produces it. However, pleasures are often corrupted because of intentions.
1. Using electronic devices
2. Sleeping/ Relaxing
3. Food
4. Scoring points in games
5. Getting good grades
3. What are your thoughts regarding “parallel lives” (51)? What does this mean to you?
I think “parallel lives” are when people live hypocritical lives. When we are hypocritical, we tend to lie in a sense about how we act.
“Trough periods” are times in which we experience adversity or difficulty in our daily lives. During these times, we often portray strong emotions in negative ways. For example, when people feel sad during adversity, they commonly blame God for the bad things happening in life. By being desperate for happiness and peace in our lives, we often fall into the temptations of the world. For instance, many people in the world turn to drinking and drugs during hard times. We often look to find peace and happiness in worldly or temporal things instead of spiritual or eternal things. When I am going through hard times in my life, I often feel hatred toward other people or things. Because of this, I become vulnerable to sins like gossip. Because I feel guilty for myself, I act selfishly by blaming others for my mistakes.
2.What beautiful truth about pleasure does Screwtape share? Make a list of pleasure? The beautiful truth about pleasure is that God produces it. However, pleasures are often corrupted because of intentions.
1. Using electronic devices
2. Sleeping/ Relaxing
3. Food
4. Scoring points in games
5. Getting good grades
3. What are your thoughts regarding “parallel lives” (51)? What does this mean to you?
I think “parallel lives” are when people live hypocritical lives. When we are hypocritical, we tend to lie in a sense about how we act.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Chapters V-VIII Questions
What is Screwtape’s idea on the best way for humans to die? Why?
Screwtape’s idea on the best way for humans die is with a false sense of hope. In chapter five, Screwtape describes care homes as the best way for humans to die. He explains that at care homes, friends, doctors, family, and nurses all lie to you about your health. They give you a false sense of hope without looking at the other aspects of life. For example, during war, many people look to unselfish causes and moral. They fight for their cause and most likely exemplify heroic features.
How does “...malice thus becomes wholly real and the benevolence largely imaginary” (28)? How does this apply to your life?
In my opinion, malice becomes wholly real and benevolence becomes largely imaginary when we start to treat others in kind ways for the wrong intentions. For example, if we sit with a new student at school for the purpose of looking good, we become a selfish, sinful person with horrible intentions. I have done this many times in my life with simple things like picking up trash or cleaning my house. In addition, malice becomes wholly real when we take people for granted and treat them badly. I have done this in my life many times to both friends and family. By making mean comments without thinking, I become a hurtful person. Finally, malice becomes wholly real when we have hatred bottled up inside us. It’s a high probability that every person in this world strongly dislikes another person. I have been guilty of this many times in my life. I tend to hold grudges against other people. When I finally talk about it with someone, I can say horrible, mean things out of anger!
What is the “law of Undulation” (37)? Give an example of this in your life.
The law of Undulation is a cycle in which a person experiences the rise of excitement or interest at different times of their life for the same thing. For example, I tend to get excited for the first day of school. However, as school goes on, I begin to detest school until a new school year! Additionally, I get excited when planning things for my class! As I get more into planning an event, I realize the hard work that I have to put into making fun activities for my class.
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