Wednesday, September 5, 2012


1.Church brings “...people of different classes and psychology together in the kind of unity the Enemy desires.” Why is this such a problem for Screwtape?

     Screwtape does not like when people of different classes and psychology come together in unity because, it branches out to different people. If the church was consisted of one type of people, it might be a possibility for them to be a critic to others. People commonly reject others if they are different than the people in their clique.

2. “...all I want....” What are your reactions to this sin?

    “All I want” is a very selfish statement. When I perform this sin, I usually think evil thoughts. For example, I think about what is convenient to my wants rather than thinking about what is convenient for other people in their desires. I start to feel a sense of pity for myself when I don’t get my way.

 3. “...she never recognises as gluttony her determination to get what she wants, however troublesome it may be to others.” Give some examples of this quote.
     1. When I ask my mom if I can go out, I forget how she is over-loaded with work from school!
     2. When we litter at school, we don’t recognize it, but it makes it a lot harder for staff at school.
     3. When I don’t show up for things I say I was going to show up for because I’d rather sleep in.
     4. When I forget something very important for my family or friends because I don’t really care.
     5. When people don’t log out of their computers at school because they are in a rush to leave.